Jeff Prince, Harold A. Poling Chair in Strategic Management
Dear BEPP Community,
I am thrilled to write to you again as a kick-off to our eighth annual department newsletter!
The BEPP department consists of high-caliber economists working within a top business school. As such, our primary purpose is to bring the rigor and critical thinking inherent in economic modeling and econometric analysis to important business and policy questions and challenges. Recognizing our role, 3 the purpose of this newsletter is to highlight how BEPP faculty, students and alumni have served this purpose over the past year.
In what follows, you’ll find: an in-depth look at select faculty and recent 4 PhD graduates, spotlights of accomplished alumni, a detailed discussion of our new course on Energy Economics and Environmental Policy, BEPP club activities and engagements, BEPP program highlights, and summaries of key BEPP activities including involvement with the Jellison Living Learning Center.
Of course, there is much more to BEPP than what we can summarize in a 8 newsletter. So, if you haven’t already, please join the hundreds of BEPP friends who now follow us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/KelleyBEPP/), and if you’re a BEPP alum, please join our LinkedIn group (https:// www.linkedin.com/groups/4347267) to not only learn about the department but also stay connected with fellow BEPP grads.
I like to conclude these newsletters with a thought that highlights general BEPP skills within a current context. Unless you’ve been “off the grid,” you probably have heard about a string of lawsuits against prominent companies, 14 including Apple, Google, Meta, and Amazon. While the legal issues are obviously prominent, economic analysis typically plays a crucial role, requiring participation by economics experts. BEPP graduates are well equipped to perform exactly this type of analysis, and some go on to do exactly this type of 22 work at economic consulting firms. Importantly, BEPP skills are valuable well beyond just the realm of litigation; the critical thinking and analytical skills that help illuminate the key economic issues in a legal dispute also can be, and are, used to help firms make sound strategic decisions. They allow our students not 27 only to help their firm climb the proverbial mountain most efficiently but also astutely point out when the firm is climbing the wrong mountain. At a time of such dynamism across so many industries, where the possibility of climbing the wrong mountain is a very real concern, it’s no wonder why graduates with these capabilities are in high demand.
Please enjoy this eighth installment of our newsletter, and as friends of BEPP, please don’t hesitate to stay in touch and stop by any time you’re back in B-town – we’d love to see you!
Jeff Prince, Harold A. Poling Chair in Strategic Management