Aaron Kolb worked in the finance industry for a few years before going to Duke for his Ph.D. He was thrilled to join the IU BEPP faculty in the summer of 2016—his first academic job. At IU, Kolb teaches a Ph.D. class on economic modeling and an undergraduate game theory class. “My research focus is… Read more »
Tag: bepp
Alumni Spotlight
In 2020, Laura Swedo graduated from the Kelley School of Business with a BEPP degree, having majored in economic consulting and co-majored in business analytics. “I was always interested in economics, and the business economics courses were my favorite, along with econometrics and managerial economics,” says Swedo. In one of her business analytics classes, they… Read more »
Faculty Spotlight: Matthijs R. Wildenbeest
Matthijs R. Wildenbeest joined IU in 2007, right after earning his Ph.D. in Economics from Erasmus University in the Netherlands. He’s currently teaching Business Econometrics in the undergraduate program and Predictive Analytics for Business Strategy in the online MBA program. In recent years, he’s also taught Predictive Analytics for Business Strategy in the residential MBA… Read more »